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Project 2025

Environmental Protection Agency – EPA


The purpose of the EPA is to protect the people and the environment to include our air, water and land, from pollution and radiation.

Project 2025 wants to dismantle the EPA. It will dismantle many regional labs, entire offices that regulate pollution, oversight, and enforcement. Project 2025 wants to give control over pollution to the states and private industry to self-regulate. It will protect companies from liabilities of health issues due to pollution that harm Americans. It would eliminate the protection of water and air pollutions that cross state lines. Thousands of jobs would be replaced with Project 2025 loyalists.

It is a green light for corporations to pollute the air we breathe, pollute the water we drink and play in, and pollute the food we eat. Corporate Greed would be the priority instead of the health of Americans. The financial cost for environmental clean ups and health care would far exceed pollution prevention but be a financial windfall for corporate greed at the cost to Americans.

Climate change would become a taboo phrase in schools and in governments. Just like Desantis rules to eliminate Climate Change from education material.


Here are a few disastrous results of no regulation:

  • Eliminate regulation over PFAS which causes diseases to livers, immune systems, child birth, cholesterol, cancer and others. PFAS are man made chemicals used to create longevity in product like carpets, clothes, all kinds of wrappings in products.


  • Greenhouse gases and other air pollutants would not have restrictions or goals to eliminate the causes of rapid Climate Change.


  • Stop the replacement of over 9 Million miles of lead water pipes (mostly in low economic areas).

  • Food from farms would go back to being toxic.


  • Rivers would become be unsafe to swim and fish from.


  • Many rivers in the 60’s were discolored with chemical slime on the surface, bubbling water from chemicals, and many rivers were on fire due to industrial pollution.

  • The original Earth Day in 1970 was created because of the Cuyahoga River in Cleveland caught fire over a dozen times. If you fell in the river you had a good chance of ending up in a hospital due to illness.

We do not want to return to those times. Project 2025 would be disastrous to our health, environment, and America. Project 2025 is a fascist autocratic paradise. We need to stop Project 2025 to save our health and the United States of America.

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